Oбложка книги для студентов
Образование / Наука
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Нам нужна обложка для новой книги, которую только что написали. Она называется "45: Tips, tricks and secrets for successful IB student" (вспомогательная книга для студентов международного бакалавриата http://academ-school.ru/anglijskij-yazyk-mezhdunarodnoe-obrazovanie/mezhdunarodnyj-bakalavriat-ib чтобы получить лучшую оценку в 45 баллов).
Одна из идей- это две крупные цифры - 4 и 5, как бы сделанные из пазлов, которые состоят тоже из 45 частей. Но если будут другие интересные варианты, то они приветствуются!
Обложка должна быть довольно молодежной, модной и бросаться в глаза. Вот наши предыдущие публикации: http://zouevpublishing.com/books/
Два варианта цветной гаммы: белый фон, частицы пазлов из разных оттенков синего, или чёрный/тёмный фон, частицы из ярких неоновых цветов.
Tекст на обратной стороне:
Nearly ten years in the making, this book is a complete to-the-point manual to maximizing your marks in the International Baccalaureate Diploma program. Throughout 45 chapters, students will uncover the secrets to succeeding in exams, getting top marks in Internal Assessments, breezing through their Extended Essay and much more. This book was compiled with a decade of first-hand experience tutoring high-scoring IB students from all over the world. Thanks to a series of interviews, submitted articles and our own contribution, we have managed to compile all the greatest bits of advice and lesser known tricks to succeeding in the program – there are over 250 pages of helpful tips to assist every IB student.
Alexander Zouev completed the IB Diploma programme in 2007 with a total of 43 points. He went on to study Economics and Management at the University of Oxford and thereafter worked at one of the largest independent IB tutoring agencies before going freelance. He has published over 7 guidebooks specifically for the IB Diploma, and has tutored over 200 students in IB Economics and Mathematics, as well as overseen hundreds of Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay assignments. Over the last year, he has developed a smartphone app for IB students to connect with each other to ask and answer questions. The smartib app has helped over 10,000 IB students in its first year.
“An absolute must-read for every IBDP student out there. Keep this book close by and read it again and again” – Samir Mehta, 2015 IB graduate [45 points]
“The single best resource you can consult as an IB student.” – Tim Hoffman, director of IBElite tutoring agency
“My students swear by this book. It has become their IB bible” – Brad Masoni, IB coordinator, International School of Rotterdam
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